Disputing Common Myths About Varicose Veins

Are you ready to learn the truth about varicose veins? The expert vein doctors at Goldman Vein Institute in Florida have compiled a list of common myths about varicose veins, and are here to tell you the truth behind each one.

Myth: Only Older Women Can Develop Varicose Veins

Varicose veins do not just target older women. Women and men of any age can be treated for varicose veins, especially those who are pregnant, obese, spend a good deal of the day on their feet (like nurses or factory workers), have a history of blood clots, or are predisposed to the condition due to heredity. If you have started developing varicose veins, or are worried you may develop the condition, please schedule an appointment at a convenient Goldman Vein Institute office location in Jupiter, Wellington or West Palm Beach.

Myth: Insurance Won’t Cover a Procedure to Fix Varicose Veins Because It’s Deemed “Cosmetic”

Actually, the truth is that most insurance providers do cover treatments for varicose veins. Because varicose veins can lead to numerous different health concerns like ulcers and blood clots, it’s important that varicose veins be treated for your overall health. It’s not just about looks!

Myth: Crossing Your Legs Causes Varicose Veins

Crossing your legs will not lead to the development of varicose veins; however, sitting too long or standing on your feet for long periods of time can certainly lead to the development of varicose veins.

Myth: Spider Veins and Varicose Veins Are Basically the Same Thing

Spider veins are not the same as varicose veins. Spider veins are red and blue veins that rise to the surface of your skin. They are not dangerous and do not really cause any health concerns; it is typically a hereditary condition. Varicose veins, on the other hand, develop when there are problems with your overall circulation. Varicose veins are abnormal veins that become swollen due to weak or failing valves that prevent blood from being routed back to the heart. We recommend you see a vein doctor if you are suffering from varicose veins.

Myth: Varicose Veins Always Recur

Treatments for varicose veins have come a long way since “vein stripping,” which is now an outdated practice. With current treatments, there is a low percentage of individuals who actually have reoccurrence of varicose veins once treated. Current treatments include Sclerotherapy and Endovenous Laser Ablation (ELA).

Visit the Vein Specialists at Goldman Vein Institute

The doctors at Goldman Vein Institute in Florida are ready to talk with you about your treatment for varicose veins or other vein concerns. Please visit our contact us page to find the location nearest you.

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